There are myriad of suggestions on how to reduce your glucose level. It was quite daunting at first. But, when you think about how our body is designed in the first place, sticking to the following fundamentals have proven to be the only sustainable way to reduce and maintain my glucose level. These fundamentals revolve around our circadian rhythm.


Sleep should not be something you do because you can’t avoid it. It should be something you do with great intent. Following are some recommendations for getting a good sleep

  • Sleep hungry: Don’t eat late
  • Sleep clean: Wash and empty before sleeping
  • Sleep tired: Stay active during the day and do not sleep during the day. No caffein.


Our body was never designed to consume the amount of chemicals we normally do in our modern society. Chemicals and processed foods are just varying degrees of poison going into our body. They are edible at best, but they are not natural.

  • Eat living food: Consume living cells. They are meat, fruit, vegetables. Less processed the better. If you want to eat processed food, stick to naturally processed food such as vinegar, sauerkraut, kimchi, tofu.
  • Don’t stress your body: Our body spends a lot of effort digesting our food. Take food that will not force your body to process a large amount of one thing in a short amount of time. Carb heavy, sugary, or even protein heavy meal is not ideal. Intermittent fasting may help your body rest and reset from the daily stress of digesting. Our body does not need a lot of food.
  • Have a routine:
    • Eat fiber, protein, then carb
    • Take your time enjoying the food instead of cramming it in quickly.
    • Walk after each meal


We are a result of what we do and think.

  • It’s the metabolism stupid: Get our body working for us. Increase your metabolism.
    • Weight bearing exercises are the best. But, it does not mean gym and weights only. Exercises using your body weight such as hiking, bicycle, pushup, pullup, squat, running, jogging, swimming, and walking on sand are all great for increasing your metabolism.
    • Sleeping well is important for our metabolism
    • Eating also increases our metabolism. So, don’t skip meals trying to lower your glucose unless you are trying to give your body a rest.
  • Chill: Minimize your stress. It’s ok. Just take care of business at hand, and don’t worry about the result. You can’t control it anyway.
  • Butt up: Get your butt off the bed and off the seat. Avoid laying down or siting down for extended amount of time during the day.

Be intentional about how you sleep, eat and live. Have a clear purpose in life. It will help you become more intentional about everything you do.